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Requirements for scientific articles:

  1. Compliance with the "Publication Ethics of scientific journals of the Tajik National University";
  2. Articles are accepted in the Word editor, Times New Roman font for texts in Russian and English, Times New Roman Tj for texts in Tajik, size 14 (tables 12), margins 2.5 cm, line spacing 1.5 lines;
  3. Volume of the article: not less than 15 and not more than 30 pages of computer text in A4 format, including the list of references and annotations;
  4. UDC index (this index can be obtained in any scientific library);
  5. The title of the article with capital letters in the center of the text
  6. Surname and name of the author(s)
  7. Name of the organization where the author(s) works;
  8. Main text of the article (at least 10 pages, including diagrams, figures, tables, diagrams, annotations and references);
  9. Tables, schemes, diagrams and other illustrations must be numerated and the title translated into Russian and English languages.
  10. List of references of at least 15 titles. Articles that use authoritative, as well as the most recent scientific publications are preferred. It is allowed to use no more than 25% of the author's scientific publications (s).
  11. References to the literature in the text are mandatory and are drawn up as follows: [3, p. 24], where the first digit is the number of the source in the list of references, the second is the page;
  12. Make a list of references in two versions: (Tajik, Russian, English) and 2) translation of all the used literature into English.
  13. Reference to previous publications of scientific journals of the Tajik National University on the topic of the study is welcome.
  14. Title of the article, annotations and keywords are provided in three languages (Tajik, Russian, English), the abstract is from 150 to 200 words, keywords are 7-10 terms;
  15. Information about the author (s) in three languages (Tajik, Russian and English);
  16. Articles are accepted in printed and electronic versions;
  17. The author’s statement about the originality of the article and consent to the publication;
  18. Articles of a Ph.D. students / the applicant is accepted for consideration with the recommendation of the supervisor/scientific consultant;
  19. Article of the master's student is accepted for consideration only in co-authorship with the candidate of Sciences/Doctor of Sciences;
  20. Submit a certificate of anti-plagiarism (articles in Russian and English).



  1. Article is considered by the editorial board within 30 days.
  2. Payment is made after the article is accepted for publication.


© Tajik National University