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Tajik National University
Tajik National University rightfully considered the first university of the Republic of Tajikistan within its walls has trained over 106 thousand. Professionals. The university was founded March 21, 1947.
Currently, the heat pump is trained more than 20 thousand. Students are 15575 full-time, 4231 part time. The number of job seekers and more than 420 graduate students, doctoral students - 19.
In the TNU established a continuous pre-university, undergraduate and graduate education. Training of specialists is carried out over 118 educational programs of higher education, including 22 in the directions of undergraduate, specialist 68 destinations and 28 destinations Magistracy. Implemented jointly by the Master's program in the framework of the network of universities of the CIS and the SCO program of additional education and training and retraining.
At this point in the structure of the university has 17 faculties and 97 specialized and 7 university chairs. The University formed Institute for Advanced Studies professors of Tajikistan Research Institute, Science library with 945,000 copies of scientific, educational, literary sources and periodicals, electronic library with access to more than 12 million digital Internet sources, 112 scientific research laboratories, biotechnology center, Technopark, Centre for Languages, Culture and Education Centre "Confucius", Center of periodicals, printing and translation center "Russian world", the cultural centers of Iran and Pakistan. In 2009, the university was founded Lyceum natural-mathematical direction.
The educational process is provided by highly qualified teaching staff, including 6 academicians and 8 corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, 154 doctors, professors and 509 candidates of sciences, associate professor. TNU regularly visit and conduct lectures, leading international scientists, policy and culture.
At the disposal of students and teachers equipped with modern multimedia equipment lecture halls, around 2,188 computers, 46 computer classes, language laboratories 39 classes that have non-stop access to the Internet.
To conduct educational and practical training of students at the University of functioning educational and production bases "Takob", "Ziddi" and "Javoni." Field studies carried out in the national botanical garden, historic ensemble Hissar fortress in the reserves "Ramit" and "Tiger Beam." Concluded hundreds of agreements between TNU and public authorities of the Republic of Tajikistan, institutions and enterprises of the Republic of passing students work experience.
Tajik National University is one of the main centers of university research in Tajikistan in the field of basic and applied sciences. The University is well-known in the world's scientific community for their achievements on the fundamental issues of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology. University scientists carry out a large amount of research work on the orders of the industrial enterprises of the Republic of Tajikistan, actively participate in the implementation of targeted programs and projects of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan. Engineering University scientists effectively implemented at the industrial enterprises of the Republic of Tajikistan and abroad. At the same time, considerable attention is paid to innovation.
In the Tajik National University has 9 dissertation councils in 17 areas, which are protected every year about 100 master's and doctoral theses.
TNU has a lot of support to teachers, doctoral students in the publication of textbooks, manuals and monographs. The university press published annually about 200 titles of books, manuals and other kinds of typographical materials. The University publishes the scientific journal "Bulletin of the Tajik National University," "Legal Life", as well as the weekly newspaper "To the heights of knowledge."
TNU Students regularly participate in national and international student competitions, conferences, competitions of scientific works and exhibitions. For over 20 years, students TNU regularly occupy the first place team in the Republican Olympiad among students of higher educational institutions. Every year more than 11 students are nominal scholarships of the President and the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, 54 students receive scholarships of the university.
International activities of the Tajik National University, is aimed at improving the status of heat pumps in the system of higher education of the Republic of Tajikistan and further integration into the world educational and scientific community. The university has more than 184 foreign citizens from 15 countries of near and far abroad. University signed a cooperation agreement with 105 foreign universities. Tajik National University is a member of the International Association of Universities, the Eurasian Association of Universities, the Asian Association, the University of Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Network University of the Commonwealth of Independent States. An important area of ​​international cooperation of the University is the organization and development of networks of cultural and language centers with the support of the foreign partner universities and foreign diplomatic missions in the Republic of Tajikistan, allowing students more deeply acquainted with the culture and traditions of the countries studied, as well as improve language training. TNU has been actively involved in the programs and projects of the Interstate Humanitarian Cooperation Fund, European education TEMPUS program and others.
Much attention is paid to the University of cultural and educational work. The University operates a sports club, which aims to strengthen the health of students and improve sporting achievements. Each year, our students take pride of place in the inter-institutional, national and international competitions.
The pride of the university is considered to be folk ensemble "Navruz". The ensemble received great popularity not only in the country but also abroad.
Successfully running a university dispensary with 50 seats. Annually dispensaries rest and restore the health of more than 900 people.
The state independence of the Republic of Tajikistan has opened a new page in the history of the Tajik National University. The university received the status of an autonomous, self-governing higher education institution. Giving the status of the university has opened great opportunities for the comprehensive development of teaching methods and scientific research, increasing the level of training of highly qualified specialists with higher education.
Tajik National University is currently the fastest growing higher education institution, which has all the features of the program of modernization of higher education, quality training. With this in mind, the University opened 4 new faculties, 23 departments, started training in more than 30 new specialties, the relevant requirements of the labor market and new sectors of the national economy.
© Tajik National University