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UDC:519.86             https://doi.org/10.62965/tnu.sns.2024.1.3                Download article


Odinaev R.N., Mavlonzoda S.H.

Tajik National University


This article discusses the solution of the transport problem using fuzzy tariffs on the example of cargo transportation of the Rogun HPP. The transport task is an important logistics task, where it is required to optimize the delivery of goods from source to destination with minimal costs.

The effectiveness of the proposed methods was evaluated on the practical example of cargo transportation of the Rogun HPP. The results showed that the use of fuzzy tariffs makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the cargo transportation process, especially in conditions of uncertainty or insufficient information.

The article proposes and implements methods for solving the transport problem with fuzzy tariffs. They are based on the principles of fuzzy logic, which allows us to take into account uncertainty and various factors affecting the process of cargo transportation. The methods include the formalization of fuzzy tariffs, the determination of weighting factors to assess the importance of each tariff, as well as optimization algorithms to find the best cargo transportation plan.

To test the effectiveness of the proposed methods, a specific example was given with cargo transportation data from the Management of the Rogun HPP. The use of fuzzy tariffs allows you to take into account various factors that can affect the process of cargo transportation, such as weather conditions, road conditions and others. This allows for more accurate and flexible planning and management of cargo transportation, as well as taking into account the interests of all parties – the customer, the carrier and the recipient.

Some problems and limitations related to the use of fuzzy tariffs in solving the transport problem were also identified. One of the main problems is the difficulty of defining and evaluating fuzzy tariffs. It is also necessary to take into account possible restrictions on the volume of transportation and the availability of vehicles.


Key words: transport problem, northwest corner method, potential method, fuzzy tariffs, Fuzzy set, deterministic values, optimal plan, triangular membership function.


Information about the authors


Odinaev Raim Nazarovich-Tajik National University,

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Mathematical and Computer Modeling.

Address: 734025, Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan, Rudaki Avenue 17.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Mavlonzoda Safarali Hikmatullo - Tajik National University,

Assistant of the Informatica Department.

Address: 734025, Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan, Rudaki Avenue 17.

Phone: 909-90-90-51.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


REVIEWER: Ilolov M.I.,  Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,  Professor, Academician




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Article received: 21.12.2023

Approved after review: 08.01.2024

Accepted for publication: 26.02.2024

© Tajik National University