UDC:  523.6


Safarov A.Gh.

Tajik National University


The article considers the collisions of nuclei of selected comets with known meteor showers. It was revealed that as a result of the collision, the nuclei of comets showed significant activity of the nucleus. For some comets, the sublimation velocity increased and as a result, dust jets were observed.

Some comets collided with one or two meteor showers, as a result of their collision with comets C/1743 X1, C/1796 P1, C/1823 Y1, C/1844 Y1, C/1858 L1, C/1877 G1, C/1995 O1 and 109P/1862 O1 formed synchron bands in the second and third types of cometary tail. As a result of the collision, some comets formed an anomalous tail, the successive bombardment of meteoroids led to a large destruction of the surface of the nucleus and fragmentation (C/1823 Y1, C/1888 R1, C/1892 E1, D/1894 F1, C/1932 M1, C/1954 O1, C/1969 T1, C/1995 O1, C/2004 Q2, 6P/1976, 7P/1869 G1, 10P/1930, 19P/1918, 26P/1927 F1, 96P/1986 J1, 109P/1862 O1 and 213P /2011). According to observational data, it has been established that each meteor shower contains large bodies that reach several meters in size. It was the collisions of large bodies from meteor showers that led to the destruction of some of the studied comets. After the formation of an anomalous tail and the destruction of the comet's nucleus, large dust particles and fragments of the rocky nucleus always remain along the orbit, which later form new meteoroid swarms.


Keywords: comet, nuclei, synchron, dust tail, anomalous tail, destruction of the nucleus, collisions, ejection velocity, dust particles, fragment, meteor shower, meteoroid swarm.


Information about the author


Safarov Abduljalol Gafurovich-Tajik National University, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,

Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Astronomy, Faculty of Physics,

Address: 734025, Dushanbe,Republic of Tajikistan, Rudaki Avenue, 17.

Phone: (+992) 931-46-51-73. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


REVIEWER: Amrokulov R., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,  assistant professor




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Article received: 29.09.2023

Approved after review: 03.11.2023

Accepted for publication: 24.12.2023

© Tajik National University