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UDC: 547.551.3       https://doi.org/10.62965/tnu.sns.2024.1.12

Safarmamadzoda S.M., Kurbonbekov J.S., Muborakkadamov D.A.

Tajik National University


Using the potentiometric titration method, the process of complexation of gold (I) with 2-ethylimidazole was studied. Adding an organic ligand solution to the [AuCl2]-/Au system leads to a smooth decrease in the electrode potential (without any jumps). The nonlinearity of the dependence of E on –log[2EI] indicates the stepwise nature of complex formation between [AuCl2]- and 2-ethylimidazole.

The general stability constants of successively formed complexes were determined in the temperature range 278-318K (at T=298K, logβ1=4.41±0.03; logβ2=10.81±0.02). An increase in temperature leads to the stability of the formed complexes. It has been shown that trivalent gold complexes are superior in stability to similar gold(I) complexes. The thermodynamic functions of the process of complex formation of gold (I) with 2-ethylimidazole were calculated using the temperature coefficient method. The value of enthalpy (∆Н0) was determined by the tangent of the slope of the direct dependence logβί0=f(1/T), the value of entropy (∆S0) by the segment cut off by this straight line on the ordinate axis, while the change in the isobaric-isothermal potential was calculated according to the equation ∆G0 =∆H0-T∆S0. It was revealed that the replacement of chloride ions with the ultraspherical molecule of 2-ethylimidazole is accompanied by a positive change in enthalpy. This experimental fact is associated with the difference in the binding energies of gold-chlorine (Au-Cl) and gold-2-ethylimidazole (Au-2-EI). A positive change in enthalpy makes a negative contribution to the spontaneous occurrence of complexation reactions. At the same time, the value of ∆S0 for the studied system has a positive value. In the [AuCl4]- –2-EI-H2O system, the number of particles participating in the complexation reaction remains unchanged. The positive change in entropy is most likely due to the release of the H2O molecule from the hydration shell of each of the reactants. A positive change in entropy promotes the spontaneous occurrence of complexation reactions in the studied system.


Key words: gold(I), 2-ethylimidazole, complexation, stability constant, thermodynamic functions.


Information about the authors


Safarmamadzoda Safarmamad Muboraksho – Tajik National University,

Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor of the Departmen   t of Inorganic Chemistry.

Address: 734025,  Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan, Rudaki Ave., 17.

Phone: (+992) 938-27-04-04. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Kurbonbekov Jamolidin Saradbekovich – Tajik National University,

Aplicant of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry.

Address: 734025, Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan, Rudaki Avenue, 17.

E-mail: Kurbonbekov This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Phone: (+992) 501-83-86-26.


Muborakkadamov Davron Akhmadzhonovich – Tajik National University,

candidate of chemical sciences, assistant of the department of inorganic chemistry.

Address: 734025, Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan, Rudaki Avenue, 17.

Phone: (+992) 501-21-90-86. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


REVIEWER: Rakhimova M., Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor




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Article received: 04.10.2023

Approved after review: 13.11.2023

Accepted for publication: 08.01.2024


© Tajik National University