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UDC: 531.42


Rajabov T.M.


A review and analysis on the topic of mass and physical interaction within the framework of causal physics is presented. Mass is considered as a special case of a quantity that is proportional to the cross-sectional area of physical objects. Replacing the mass with this quantity allows further development of the kinetic theory of gravity by Le Sage. Physical interaction is considered as a result of mutual shielding of elementary mass–forming elements - nucleons

and systems consisting of them - atomic nuclei in the path of movement of cosmic ether particles. It is shown that the applied approach makes it possible to create a visual and causal picture of physical interaction, both in the microcosm and in the macrocosm, leading to completely new results. The existence of gravitational shielding is substantiated, a visual picture of the mass defect is created, the presence of hidden mass in massive celestial bodies is revealed, the reason for the precession of the perihelion of Mercury and artificial Earth satellites is indicated, semi-daily behavior in the diurnal variation of gravity is described and interpreted, features in the manifestation of tidal processes are described. The applied approach allows to consider the issues of interaction in the micro and macrocosm from a single mechanism.


Keywords: mass, hidden mass, gravitational shielding, Le Sage theory, mass defect, diurnal variation of gravity, tidal processes.


Information about the author


Rajabov Toir Makhsudovich - Tajik National University,

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor.

Address.734025, Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan, Rudaki ave., 17.

Phone: + 992 93 9995602. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


REVIEWER: Sharipov J.G.,  Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,  Associate Professor




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Article received: 07.12.2023

Approved after review: 15.01.2024

Accepted for publication: 11.04.2024