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UDC 581:53



Solikhova M.I., Kurzina I.A., Khojazoda T.A,

Khodzhaev A.T., Daybova E.B.

REVIEWER: Kudryashov S.V.

Doctor of Chemical Sciences



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 The paper presents the treatment of wheat seeds with barrier discharge for 4 and 6 minutes. Laying of treated seeds on research field was carried out with chilling at 48h and 72h after barrier discharge treatment. Treatment of plants with barrier discharge affects growth stimulation, germination energy, germination and, as a consequence, the increase in wheat yield and seed quality. In recent years, methods aimed at stimulating (accelerating growth, increasing yield, improving crop quality) electrophysical effects on plants and seeds of grain crops have been increasingly introduced into the practice of effective land management. Among various electrophysical methods used in crop production, a special place is an occupied by discharge treatment. Many scientists have confirmed high efficiency and exceptional environmental friendliness of pre-sowing treatment of agricultural seeds, including seeds of technical crops. The present task is to investigate new ways of seed treatment, for example, by physical factors. Characterization of the effects of energy discharges on germination vigor and germination of wheat is a reviewed. Some of the most important plasma parameters include the treatment time of the main tissues, which should be carefully, chosen, to optimize the efficiency. This experiment was, conducted under field condition. Results of field experiments showed that the barrier discharge treatment affected germination rate and had a positive effect on germination of wheat seeds. This paper presents the results of field experiment on the effect of barrier electric discharge on seed germination energy and total germination rate.

Key words: wheat, seeds, physical effects, barrier discharge, pre-sowing treatment, open ground, germination energy, germination.

Information about the authors: Solihova Mahina Imomalievna - Institute of Biology, Tomsk State Research University, graduate student. Address: 634050, Tomsk, Russia. Phone: +79234231995, +992988701187. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Kurzina Irina Aleksandrovna - Tomsk State Research University, doctor of physics and mathematics, head of the department of natural compounds, pharmaceutical and medical chemistry. Address: 634050, Tomsk, Russia. Phone: +79138821028. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Khojazoda Tohir Abdullo – Tajik National University, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor of the Department of Physical Electronics, Faculty of Physics. Address: 734025 Dushanbe, Tajikistan, 17 Rudaki Ave. Phone: +992900526352. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Khojaev Abdullo Toirovich - Institute of Biology, Tomsk State Research University, graduate student. Address: 634050, Tomsk, Russia. Phone: +79234336452, +992009770532. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Daybova Elena Borisovna - Scientific Research Institute of Crops and Peat of Siberia - branch of RASS of the Russian Federation, candidate of chemical sciences, head of the laboratory. Address: 634050, Tomsk, Russia. Phone: +79234203876. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Article received 18.12.2023

Approved after review 20.01.2024

Accepted for publication 28.03.2024