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Sodatdinova A.S., Akimbekova Kh.A., Usacheva T.R.,

Safarmamadodzoda S.M. 

REVIEWER: Davlatshoeva J.A.,

 Candidate of Chemical Sciences


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  24. Mabatkadamzoda K.S., Complexation of silver (I) with thiopirin at 278-317K. / K.S. Mabadkadamzoda, Y.K. Kudratulloev, A.S. Sodatdinova // – 2018. – T.61. – No4. –Pp.382-384.



         The acid-base properties of 2-ethylimidazole were studied by pH-metric titration (EM). Using the literature data and our own results, a number of changes in the acid-base properties (pКa) of imidazoles have been established: ethylimidazole (7,93)> imidazole (7.05)>2-phenylimidazole (6,48)>2-aminobenzimidazole (6,11)> benzimidazole (5,53)>2-phenylbenzimidazole (5,23)>2-mercaptoimidazole (2,97)>1-methyl-2-mercaptoimidazole (2,11). Method The process of complexation of silver(I) with 2-ethylimidazole in the temperature range of 273-318K was investigated using potentiometric titration using a silver electrode. It has been established that the increase in temperature does not affect the stoichiometric composition of complex particles formed in the Ag-EM-H2O system. The results obtained show that as the temperature increases, the stability constants decrease. On the basis of diagrams, the distribution of complex particles depending on the ligand concentration is shown that in System Ag-EM-H2O is mainly dominated by the bis-substituted complex, the yield of which at EM concentrations above 1·10-2 mol/l is 100%. The thermodynamic functions of the formation of 2-ethylimidazole silver complexes have been calculated. It has been established that complexation reactions are exothermic. Spontaneous occurrence of complexation reactions in the system Ag-EM-H2O contributes to a negative change in enthalpy.

             Keywords: Silver(I), 2-ethylimidazole, protolytic equilibrium, complexation, stability constants, thermodynamic functions, distribution diagram. 


Information about the authors: Sodatdinova Anjuman Sadridinovna – Tajik National University, Doctoral students of the department analytical chemistry Address: 734025, Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan, Rudaki Avenue, 17. Phone: (+992) 938-13-66-56. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  

Akimbekova Khazon Azizmamadovna - Khorog State University named after I.I. Nazarshoev. Faculty of Natural Sciences, Assistant of the Department of General Chemistry. Address: M41, Khorog city, Republic of Tajikistan, Shirinshah Shakhtemur Avenue, 28. Phone: (+992) 935-42-74-77. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

         Usacheva Tatyana Rudolfovna - , Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Head of the Department of General Chemical Technology, Associate Professor. Address: 153000, Ivanovo, Russia, Sheremetevsky Avenue, 7. Phone: +7-910 -87 -11 -25- E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Safarmamadzoda Safarmamad Muboraksho – Tajik National University, Vice-rector for science and innovation of doctor of chemical sciences, professor. Address: 734025, Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan, Rudaki Avenue, 17. Phone: (+992) 938-27-04-04. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  


Аrticle received 02.01.2024

Approved after review 26.02.2024

Accepted for publication 15.04.2024