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Kodirov M.Z., Bobizoda G.M., Zafarov S.Z.

REVIEWER: Rajabov S.,

 Doctor of Chemical Sciences,





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In nature, there are amino acids that are not found in protein hydrolysates. These amino acids include α, b, γ-aminobutyric acids. α-Aminobutyric acid, which is formed in living organisms during the metabolism of proteins, is a non-proteinogenic alpha amino acid. In the human body, it is involved, for example, in the biosynthesis of ophthalmic acid. β-Aminobutyric acid is an isomer of aminobutyric acid, which is found in plants, where it can play a role in signaling. β-Aminobutyric acid is able to increase the resistance of plants to diseases and have a direct effect on pathogens of plant diseases, activates the immune system of plants. γ-Aminobutyric acid plays a crucial role in the transmission of nerve excitation. In order to maintain stability and increase the effect of aminobutyric acid isomers on living organisms and plants, we decided to attach C60 fullerene to the NH2 - aminobutyric acid group and obtain N-fullero C60-aminobutyric acid for further study of biological properties. N-Fullero C60-aminobutyric acid was synthesized using the thermal method of binding amino acids to C60 fullerene. As is known, most amino compounds in the reaction with fullerene C60 by the nucleophilic attachment mechanism can join at position 1.2 of the benzene ring of fullerene-C60. Using this mechanism, 3 new compounds were synthesized: fullero C60-α-aminobutanate, fullero C60-b-aminobutanate, fullero C60-γ-aminobutanate. The identity and purity of the obtained substances was checked by thin-layer chromatography and IR spectroscopy. Chromatographic data and melting points of the obtained substances confirm the formation of fullero-C60-α-aminobutanate, fullero-C60-b-aminobutanate and fullero-C60-γ-aminobutanate.

Key words: fullerene-C60, reaction, aminobutyric acid, thermal method, bromobenzene, dimethylformamide, spectrum, thin-layer chromatography.

Information about the authors: Kodirov Murod Zokirovich - Tajik National University, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor of Organic Chemistry Department.Address: 734025, Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan, Rudaki Avenue 17. Phone: 935983847. E‑mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Bobizoda Gulomkodir Mukkamal - Tajik National University, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor of Organic Chemistry Department. Address: 734025, Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan, Rudaki Ave., 17. Phone: +992-(918)-17-03-60. E- mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Zafarov Sorbon Zafarovich - Tajik National University, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of Organic Chemistry Department. Address: 734025, Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan, Rudaki Ave., 17. Phone: +992-(937)-70-03-95. E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Article received 20.11.2023

Approved after review 24.02.2024

Accepted for publication 10.04.2024